Monday, 10 June 2013

Summer on Skye: Fairie Glen

Uig Bay

I'm staying in a small village/ferry port called Uig on the Northern part of the Isle of Skye. The ferry comes in about three times a day serving the Western Isles of Harris and North Uist. The weather controls a lot, from whether you want to go outside that day, to the ferry not running, so when you get an absoloutely gorgeous day you've got to make the most of it. So last week I walked up to fairie glen (there's lots of different ways of spelling fairy, farey, but I like fairie best!) it's a magical glen where fairies live! Here's some pics of my walk to the fairies:-


 Cute little lambs and red boats in fields of green

First buds on the trees | Hello Mr Sheep!

Beware of falling down cliffs while abseiling! | How many sheep?


When you come around the corner and see the pinnacle of the lump, you get that special excitement feeling, it's in the air!

And coming round the corner again, you see the wee loch and the lump! If it looks a little familiar, it was used as a location in the film Stardust!

And of course you have to climb the lump, amazing how different it looks from different angles while climbing up!

At the base, round the back, the fairies have left their mark, spirals, stars, cairns, you name it.

It's a bit of a squeeze through the rocks up to the top, but it's worth it to get a great view of the waterfalls on the opposite side of the valley and you get to be Queen of the Fairies for a few minutes!

Have you ever seen a fairie?

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